The Smart Cities monitoring
ALYCE has developed an exclusive smartbox to meet data centralization needs for cities, regions, transportation authorities and transportation operators.
OBSERVER by Alyce is composed of sensors that capture data from multiple points of origin that are fused and delivered in a customized dashboard. Additionally,
OBSERVER by Alyce relies on Big Data technology. The solution can be permanent or temporary. Set up, configuration & deployment are fast, and actionable data immediatly available.
OBSERVER by Alyce is composed of sensors that capture data from multiple points of origin that are fused and delivered in a customized dashboard. Additionally,
OBSERVER by Alyce relies on Big Data technology. The solution can be permanent or temporary. Set up, configuration & deployment are fast, and actionable data immediatly available.
Data processing //
Benefits //
1 box, 8 sensors
Data capture in all conditions
Get a total control on the whole data lifecycle : from collection to analysis
Discreet Smartbox
External data source integration
Embedded data processing : GPDR compliant
Awards //
The project OBSERVER has been awarded in 2018 in the context of Programme d’Investissement d’Avenir (PIA) operated by ADEME.
You too, designe and get your own Observer
Let’s talk about your Smart City Project !